Z przyjemnością informujemy, że ogłoszono nowy konkurs w ramach DIH HERO Healthcare Robotics. Jeśli jesteś przedsiębiorcą działającym na rynku robotyki medycznej lub aspirującym do niego - serdecznie polecamy.
DIH-HERO: We are shaping the future of robotics in healthcare of Europe! Are you an SME or slightly larger company interested to transfer innovative technology or create new links related to robotics in healthcare, please check our technology transfer experiment call (max € 200,000 euro per application (deadline 15th of April))! Interested in the first results or do you need more information? Please visit our DIH-HERO workshop at the European Robotics Forum on the 3rd of March in Malaga! hasztag#dihhero hasztag#robotics hasztag#healthcare hasztag#innovation hasztag#technologytransfer One essential aspect for the development a pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Healthcare Robotics are the Technology Transfer Experiment Projects, aimed to stimulate the transfer of technology from outside and creating new links inside the value chain, enabling the societal & economic impact. Call deadline: April 15th 2020 23:59 CET
Akcje: PoznajGwiazde.pl
Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii
im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi
ul. Wolności 345a,
41-800 Zabrze