Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation
of Cardiac Surgery Development
ul. Wolności 345a, 41-800 Zabrze 32/ 373-56-00
Pracownia Biocybernetyki |
Biocybernetics Laboratory |
Robot - robotyka medyczna i mechatroniczne narzędzia chirurgiczne |
Celem projektu jest opracowanie robota chirurgicznego oraz nowej generacji narzędzi zwiększających precyzję, bezpieczeństwo i zakres stosowania chirurgii małoinwazyjnej. Fundacja zainicjowała budowę robotów chirurgicznych w Polsce, pełniąc rolę pioniera w tym zakresie. Jest również miejscem promocji wiedzy, wymiany poglądów, doświadczeń oraz praktycznej nauki stosowania opracowywanych robotów i narzędzi mechatronicznych. Efektem prac prowadzonych od 2000 roku jest prototypowa rodzina robotów Robin Heart o strukturze segmentowej, umożliwiającej zestawienie sprzętu dla różnych typów operacji. W ramach rodziny polskich robotów Robin Heart powstały trzy modele: Robin Heart 0, Robin Heart 1 (z niezależną podstawą oraz sterowaniem za pomocą komputera przemysłowego) oray Robin Heart 2 (mocowany do stołu operacyjnego, posiada dwa ramiona, na których można zamontować różne narzędzia chirurgiczne lub tor wizyjny z kamerą endoskopową). Obecnie prowadzone są testy, prace nad dopracowaniem ich technologii i optymalizacją tak, by z prototypów powstała rodzina produktów do stosowania klinicznego. W latach 2007-2008 powstał robot Robin Heart Vision - służący do sterowania położeniem endoskopowego toru wizyjnego. Jako pierwszy ma on trafić na sale operacyjne i utorować drogę do kliniki całej rodzinie opracowywanych robotów. Sterowanie robotem odbywa się w ergonomicznej konsoli o nazwie Robin Heart Shell, imitującej pracę chirurga „wewnątrz organizmu” pacjenta. W planach jest kolejny projekt - Robin Heart PortVisionAble, który odpowiadałby na zapotrzebowanie świata medycznego na lekkie, przenośne (walizkowe), zrobotyzowane stanowisko sterowania położeniem kamery endoskopowej. |
For the computer simulation of blood flow professional FLUENT, Inc. and ANSYS, Inc. software, based on Finite-Element Method (FEM), is used. Computer simulations of surgical procedures are one of the elements of operation planning program. Another two elements of this program are: virtual operating room and constructed simulators and training stands for surgeons. In 2000 the Laboratory began the researches connected with the family of surgery robots: Robin Heart. There are researches carried out regarding an intelligent advisory base, which will enable operating surgeon to receive diagnostics data as well as planning and simulation of surgery procedure. The activities of Biocybernetics Laboratory are consistent with the Development Strategy and are realized under the program “Robots and Innovative Surgery Tools”, which is divided into three projects: TEST – devices construction and elaboration of testing methods of artificial organs and biomaterials, EXPERT – innovative methods of surgery support, ROBOT – medical robotics and half-automatic surgery tools. The Laboratory also started a unique and novel surgical procedures simulation program within the scope of heart and vascular surgery, which is to help surgeons choose an optimum method via creating different variants of the operation supported by the computer and tests of physical and mathematical models. The simulation procedure can be used particularly during the operations of children’s congenital heart diseases. It can be also used either as a general tool or for a particular patient. Experiences connected with surgical procedures program will help to develop an advisory system, which will be accessible through the Internet as an interactive databank, and will support creating a multimedia cardiac surgery handbook. Under the simulation program, there are presently performed model researches of such surgical procedures as: Blalock - Tausing’s, Fontana’s, Batista’s and by-pass operations. A databank of congenital heart diseases is also created. |
TEST – konstrukcja urządzeń i opracowanie metod testowania sztucznych narządów i biomateriałów |
Zespół Pracowni Biocybernetyki wciąż rozwija swój warsztat badawczy i wprowadza nowe projekty. Rezultatem tej pracy są stanowiska badawcze wizualizacji laserowej i pomiarów anemometrycznych przepływu cieczy, modele fizyczne układu krążenia, pełny system testerów zastawek serca, stanowisko badań własności biomechanicznych tkanek, sterowniki pneumatyczne i elektromechaniczne testerów, prosty napęd pneumatyczny sztucznego serca. Wszystkie stanowiska badawcze nadzorowane są komputerowo, w oparciu o własne programy systemu sterowania oraz automatycznego monitorowania, archiwizacji i opracowywania danych. Równolegle z badaniami modeli fizycznych wykonywane są symulacje komputerowe przepływu oraz symulacje matematyczne modeli, a także badania in vitro hemolizy i krzepnięcia krwi, co ma szczególne znaczenie w procesie projektowania nowych pomp krwi. |
Flow disturbances connected with the by-pass graft cause additional stresses, swirls and turbulences of flow, which increases the probability of blood elements destruction (hemolysis), damage of blood vessels endothelium and blood clots. All these issues are very dependent on dynamic characteristic of blood flow through the prostheses and blood vessels. How will patient’s conditions change after an optional surgery procedure? This question can be answered through the use of advanced techniques of in vitro blood circulation system modeling. Under this research project, the Laboratory co-operates with many scientific centres in Poland, including Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Multidisciplinary Centre of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Warsaw University, Silesian Medical Academy, Katowice or II Cardiac Surgery Clinic of Cardiology Institute, Warsaw. The results of researches are presented during many national and international conferences and published in scientific magazines. Mentioned method of blood circulatory system modeling, as well as gained experiences in modeling of system-pulmonary anastomosis, allowed to widen the research scope through new medical procedures. Presently, together with surgeons from the Silesian Heart Diseases Centre, Zabrze, researches concerning the optimalisation of left ventricle surgical reconstruction are carried out in patients with post-infarction heart failure. The Menicanti’s method is used for this aim. Congestive heart failure (CHF), in spite of the progress in cardiac infarction treatment, is still one of the main reasons of patients’ death. CHF causes the increase of ventricle volume and also change of the geometry from normal, elliptic to circular. Presently, one of the most intensively developed method of post-infarction CHF treatment is reconstruction of heart’s left ventricle (resection of dead part of left ventricle wall and restoration of ventricle’s proper shape and volume). In order to optimalise ventricle’s shape, its’ reduction should be done proportionally both along the short and long heart’s axis. The main goal of mentioned project is to elaborate a method, which would allow to choose the optimal shape and size of damaged heart’s left ventricle, and at the same time would improve treatment’s results based on in vitro researches, computer and physical simulations made for particular patient according to the results of diagnostics examinations. The estimation of tensions’ strength and myocardium’s move is significant for proper heart’s work, particularly after left ventricle reconstruction. Methods of blood circulatory system modeling are also used in researches of coarctation (congenital aortic stenosis). The optimal choice of surgical procedure technique will help to solve the problem of aortic stenosis recurrence after the coarctation operation. |
As the first national centre, we successfully started to use the technology of virtual reality for surgical procedure planning as well as for model tests supporting the designing phases of surgical robot. Our “Virtual Operating Room” (based on EON’s software) is presently used in three important training fields: as training stand for future surgeons, who can familiarize with Robin Heart robot, as a surgical procedures planning tool with “step by step” instruction of particular procedure and at last as a part of advisory program. Virtual reality technology is also used in process of new surgical tools design. |
Since 2000, the interest in medical robots in Poland has significantly increased. Such increase is mainly inspired by the Robin Heart project as well as by the organized conferences, meetings and exhibitions. Mentioned project has had strong media and social support since the very beginning. Researches regarding Polish robot are realized by the multidisciplinary team in several scientific institutes in Poland. The research program includes elaboration of different surgical procedure strategies, simulations of surgical procedure, elaboration of ergonomic surgeon’s work stand, designing of control system and mechanical construction of manipulator as well as preparation of models and prototypes. The robot was named Robin Heart (robot in the heart), because we want it to be user-friendly and reliable in the most difficult situations. Today Robin Heart is already a well known brand in scientific world, therefore sometimes the Laboratory staff is called “Robin’s team”. |
During the design phase many models and prototypes were done. Different methods of data transfer to the machine are tested and there are also carried out researches regarding the intelligent data base. Such voice-controlled base will enable to present diagnostics and surgery procedure simulation data on the monitor. It will be possible for the surgeon to use information and data in every moment. Different models of movement controllers were elaborated. They use different possibilities and surgeons’ experiences. We also plan to adjust the system of robot steering to the final user’s preferences. Presently, the Robin Heart family consists of 4 original prototypes. They have different constructions and equipment; the way they are mounted to the surface also differs (directly to the operating table or to the independent surface). One of the robots – Robin Heart Vision – enables controlling of the endoscopic camera position. There are new types of surgical procedures with the use of robots developed and also several animal experiments are planned (we have the Ethical Commission acceptance). |
Presently elaborated 3-dimensional, virtual operating room will enable to put the robot into the proper position by the operating table and to define the work space possible to obtain, while full scope of tools’ steering is available. Annual conferences “Medical Robots” and “Surgical Workshops”, organized at the Foundation, are attended by many enthusiasts of modern surgery. During the workshop’s exercises it is possible to learn about the tools’ advantages and disadvantages, starting from the classic ones up to the laparoscopic and robotic. We hope that soon robots and half-automatic surgical tools constructed by our Laboratory will be used in clinics and hospitals, helping surgeons and their patients. |
The Laboratory started activities towards establishing a team, which main task would be to commercialize the results of Laboratory’s researches. In 2005, with the support of European funds, Robin Heart Service was established. |
Moreover, the Laboratory remains in contact with many research and scientific institutions. New diploma, M.Sc and Ph.D. theses are inspired here; it also holds didactic classes with youth. Particularly interesting for young people are the “Surgical Workshop”, where they can perform different manual exercises, using a wide range of tools: classic ones, laparoscopic and finally, the prototypes of robotic tools designed by the Laboratory team. On the base of these experiences it is planned to establish and open a Training Centre of Modern Surgical Techniques and Technologies.
Contact: |
Zbigniew Małota, Ph.D. |
Laboratory’s personnel: |
Patroni medialni: |