Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation
of Cardiac Surgery Development
ul. Wolności 345a, 41-800 Zabrze 32/ 373-56-00
The research and scientific activity of the Foundation is interdisciplinary in nature and includes i.e. topics in the field of biomedical engineering, heart prosthetics design, medical robotics and tissue engineering. It takes place in our own Heart Prostheses Institute including Artificial Heart Laboratory, Biocybernetics Laboratory and Bioengineering Laboratory.
The technological and implementation facilities of the Heart Prostheses Institute of the Foundation include the following units operating within its organisational structure: Department of Microbiology and Histopathology and Technological Laboratory of the Artificial Heart Laboratory providing production facilities for heart prosthetics. The Process Laboratory of the Artificial Heart Laboratory is a certified manufacturer of heart prosthetic elements according to ISO 13485.
Main research programmes of the Foundation:
The „Polish Artificial Heart” programme – focused on development and clinical implementation of a family of Polish heart prosthetics, ever more advanced technologically and in the terms of design, varied in terms of their duration of use and implantation extent in the patient body, as well as on development of method supporting the circulatory system.
The „Robots and Innovative Surgical Tools” programme – focused on development and clinical implementation of innovative tools, i.e. mechatronic tools “extending” hands of a surgeon, methods of modelling and simulation of surgical operations aimed at optimisation of their execution, and on educational facilities.
The „Tissue Engineering and Biological Heart Valve Prostheses” – focused on development of designs and technologies of production of biological heart valve prosthetics and of other biomaterials produced using tissue engineering and cell cultivation methods.